Belton, Texas

Belton First Baptist Church

When Belton First Baptist Church was built 15 years ago they called on Electro Acoustics to install the audio/visual system. The system has performed well these past 15 years and Electro Acoustics has provided service, support and upgrades such as a Yamaha digital mixer and BSS digital processor. As technology marches on and new tools come to market, Electro Acoustics continuously helps our clients better communicate their message.

Belton First Baptist Church was delighted with the service and support from Electro Acoustics and asked us to upgrade the speaker system with Electro Voice EVA stereo line arrays and subwoofers. These new speakers will provide a substantial improvement in speech clarity and musical quality.

This in-progress photo demonstrates Electro Acoustics’ commitment to respect another man’s home. Our certified technicians are specifically trained to protect and keep clean the areas we work in, leaving the area in better condition than we found it.

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